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Why Montessori

Roots for practical life, love, and learning

Our children enjoy learning to do things for themselves as they move from basic to advanced materials and subjects. Our children get to interact with their curriculum materials, rather than just using flashcards and memory.

Why Montessori?

Montessori facilitates a natural love for learning. The Montessori materials naturally bring about the inquisitive nature of the child and allows them to think of new ways to do things. They open up the child to learn for the themselves. It teaches them how to discover, but doesn’t give a step-by-step direction.


Emphasis on cognitive and social development

Teacher is the link between the child and the environment

Environment and method encourage self-discipline

Child chooses on work

Mixed age groups for peer learning

Specially designed multi-sensory materials and educational tools and physical exploration

Child reinforces own learning by repetition of work and internal feeling of success

Child works as long as he wishes on chosen project


Emphasis on cognitive and social development

Teacher is center of classroom as “controller” of the environment

Teacher acts as primary enforcer of discipline

Individual and group instruction

Same age group

Fewer materials for sensory development

Learning is reinforced externally by repetition and rewards

Curriculum is structured for child

We aim for quality over quantity and operate at lower ratios in our classrooms serving 0 to 12 year olds

The Montessori Method is not a trend in Early Childhood Education. The tools and curriculum were created by Dr. Maria Montessori, and it has been successfully implemented and used for over a century in many different countries!